TTA Team Tactical Assistance

[TTA] 14lordhunter12

Billy Brooks aka 14lordhunter12 is a man of explosives every second you'll hear "ENEMY B52 INCOMING". His Faviroute weapon happens to be a pistol, he is Legit


Nathan Slawik aka NATHAN S123 is an MP5k Specialist that runs and guns and sprays and prays everyone in his way. You don't want to get in his way or he'll blow your head off.

[TTA] Dylanman95

Dylan Harrison aka Dylanman95 is a beast with assult rifles and loves to rush the opposing force anyone standing in his way will be destroyed in seconds. Team work along with pure skill is how I play

[TTA] GingerBeard_x

Nicholas Curley aka GingerBeard_x is the silent and stealthy type. He can be called upon when needed to get the job done sometimes quitely and loud at the same time. GingerBeard_x can sometimes sneak up on you at any time without notice. Hide yo kids, Hide yo wife, and Hide yo husbands!

[TTA] DrgnAgGmr_303

Tasha McGuin aka DrgnAgGmr_303 is the all out type. Doesn't matter what mood shes in, she'll tear you right up and make a sandwich out of your soul. She assaults other players like there's no tomorrow. Don't get in her way.

[TTA] 14lordhunter12's B52 Rampage

Billy aka 14lordhunter12 pwns with the three in a row B52. Not even Micheal Jackson can beat that!